The safeguarding of all our members is of paramount importance to Weekley Rovers FC with all related matters taken very seriously. We have two committee members trained in child welfare (one FA trained the other by the Department of Education) and in addition to being DBS checked all our coaches undergo FA safeguarding training which is renewed regularly to ensure their knowledge remains fresh and up to date.
Our safeguarding policy, referred to as the Club Child Protection Policy, can be found in the documents section of our site here however if you have any questions or concerns relating to child safeguarding or welfare at the club don’t hesitate to speak to the relevant team coach or the Club Welfare Officer.
Both The Football Association (TheFA) and Northamptonshire FA provide a wealth of valuable information relating to safeguarding which we encourage you to explore and read especially if you are a player or parent/guardian of a player. The respective areas of their websites on safeguarding can be accessed directly using the below buttons:
Additional help, support and guidance is available from a number of charities and organisations specialising in protecting and helping children and their families often including content/aid specific to sports activities. Further information on these can be found on their websites which can be accessed by clicking on their relevant logos below.